Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Looking ahead to a three month return to Papua New Guinea in July, our days in the meantime are full of people… and they are what matter. From long distance counseling - even overseas via email - to coffee dialogues, to hour long phone calls, to a number of enjoyable visitors in our home, our lives are full of people. God could not have given us our hearts desires more than that. Struggles and challenges abound in the Body of Christ, even in His Servants. By the grace of God, we want to be there for those wounded warriors and hidden heroes.

Sharing in two missions conferences and a number of preaching engagements over these past weeks kept us busy as well…time well spent with some wonderful folks.

We’ve even gotten in a bit of landscaping and yard work. Good for the soul.

Our gratitude to God for all of you, your prayers, support, and concern. Medically, all systems are go. Thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

Texas65 said...

Looking pretty sharp in that white jacket chief!!