Sunday, October 27, 2013

A TIME FOR ????????

Solomon's God given wisdom (oft unheeded to his peril) is right on this score. There is a time...for everything. This past weekend thirty three years serving on the Board of Trustees at Bryan College came to a close. It has been a good ride, abounding in emotions from sheer joy (catching a glimpse of God at work in young lives) to painfully agonizing moments, such as watching the main Administration and classroom building burn to the ground. God gave beauty for ashes and today the College stands firm in its commitment to the Bryan motto - "Christ Above All". But God, through the quiet, gentle impressions of the Holy Spirit as I sought His wisdom in His Word said, "Mick, it is time to hang it up."  

Bryan College gave me a down to earth education, a wife worth far above rubies, life time friends, and an opportunity to invest my life in thousands of young people as part of the decision making of the Board of Trustees. I am grateful....and will miss it.

In that Ecclesiastes short discourse on time for everything under the sun, Solomon included a time for dancing.

I want to dance through these latter years. And you do that with people. In these latter years, my heart's desire is to......

Dance in my strength, dance in my fears, dance when my eyes are full of tears; 
Dance in the dark, dance in the light, dance when it's wrong, dance when it's right; 
Dance in the shade, dance in the sun, dance when it's a drag, dance when it's fun; 
Dance with my friends, dance with my foes, dance in my joys, dance in my woes; 
Dance with my sweetheart, my love - my wife, dance with our children, as they journey through life;
Dance when it's silent, dance when it's loud, dance when my faith reaches the cloud; 
But latter year dancing can only be true, for faith's last dance of joy, Lord, belongs to You.

Bring on the music.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Falling back into blogging...

Fall is here, and it seems like a good time to start this blogging business back up again!


Numbering our days is a solid biblical concept. Check out Psalm 90:12. It is not a matter of figuring out how many more days remain on our life day timer. It's seeking wisdom for today and our tomorrows, what God desires of us during these days, what our priorities should be, and plugging into His purposes for us with a vengeance; howbeit, an older, more experienced and should be gentler vengeance.

For us it is an issue of how best to invest our physical, emotional, and spiritual energies after 31 years  serving in a pastoral role and these last 18 years "Serving the Servants of Christ Around the World." It has been a wonderful journey into 40 countries, loaded with amazing wounded warriors and hidden heroes. Blogging and writing took a back seat, just by the nature of our unpredictable lifestyle.

Numbering our days brought us back to one of my first loves... penning (computerizing) thoughts born out of our journey with God, with each other, and with people, who to us are the most enjoyable entities God put on earth. We write, not as experts, but simply experienced. Hopefully from an honest  walk with God, a love for people, and full of grace and truth.

Be careful in this thing of numbering your days and applying your heart to wisdom. It may cause a shake up in your well ordered routine.  

In His Grip,
